Led trainings 2016 in Banyoles 06 April, 2016 Other sports training, Marcel Zamora, triathlon, Quadrathlon, canoe, race The Ajuntament de Banyoles (Banyoles' Town Hall), by its Office of Tourism, gives a new impulse to the sports tourism; very established to the territory. On 2016 has edited specific material of the sports led trainings, opened to all sportsmen and amateurs to improve their performance. These led trainings are at the expense of professional athletes of elite as: - Marcel Zamora, Grand Champion of Ironmans - Albert Corominas, World and of European Champion of Quadrathlon, and World Championship runner-up of canoe - Esther Guerrero, Spanish Champion 800 flat race Consult the catalogue of led trainings. More information and reserves, contact to the Tourist Office of Banyoles: Telephone number: (0034) 972 58 34 70 Email: turisme@ajbanyoles.org Accede to the video of Sports Tourism led by Marcel Zamora.